Results for 'Taj al-din Husayn ibn Hasan Khuvarazmi'

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  1. Imām Rāzī's ʻIlm al-akhlāq.Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar Rāzī & M. Ṣaghīr Ḥasan Maʻṣūmī - 1969 - Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute. Edited by M. Ṣaghīr Hasan Maʻṣūmī.
  2. Practical philosophy of the Muhammadan people: exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other: being a translation of the Akhlak-i Jalaly... from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammad Asaad.Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawānī - 1839 - Karachi: Karimsons. Edited by W. F. Thompson.
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  3. The English translation of Akhlak-i-Jalali: a code of morality in Persian.Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawānī - 1939 - Lahore,: Mubarak Ali. Edited by S. H. Deen.
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    Bayna al-falsafah wa-al-riyāḍīyāt: min Ibn Sīnā ilá Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī = Between philosophy and mathematics: from Ibn Sina to Kamal al-Din al-Farisi.Ayman Shihadeh - 2016 - Bayrūt: Markaz Dirāsāt al-Waḥdah al-ʻArabīyah. Edited by Rushdī Rāshid.
    Philosophy; mathematics; Avicenna, 980-1037; Fārisī, Kamāl al-Dīn Abū al-Ḥasan, active 1300.
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    Naturwissenschaft Bei den Arabern Im 10. Jahrhundert N. Chr.: Briefe des Abū L-Faḍl Ibn Al-‘Amīd (Gest. 360/970) an ‘Aḍudaddaula. Mit Einleitung, Kommentierter Übersetzung Und Glossar.Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn Ibn al-ʻAmīd & Abū Shujāʻ Fannī Khusraw ʻAḍud al-Dawlah (eds.) - 1993 - Brill.
    The Buyide wezir Abū I-Faḍl Ibn al-‘Amīd became famous as a poet and expert in epistolary literature, but also as a scholar and scientist. His letters, published here together with translation, commentary and complete glossary, inform us on questions of meteorology, physics, mechanics and psychology.
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    The Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal al-Din Kashani (review). [REVIEW]Kiki Kennedy-Day - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):180-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal al-Din KashaniKiki Kennedy-DayThe Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal al-Din Kashani. By William C. Chittick. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 360. Hardcover.Are you tired of feeling that the scientifically quantifiable world is not all there is, but that most books about philosophy are airy-fairy or (...)
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    The Concept of Sharʿī Science in Educational Conception Formed in Islamic Civili-zation.Hasan Sabri Çeli̇ktaş - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1077-1100.
    In this article, the meaning of concept of sharʿī science gained in the conception of education, which was established in Islamic civilization, was studied. The main problem of the research is to evaluate the idea of education in Islamic Civilization, which is closely related to the concept of sharʿī science, with a false perception that it consists entirely of religious education. The beginning of Islamic Civilization is traced back to descent of the Qur'an. The conception of education that started to (...)
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  8. The Metaphysics of Mulla Sadra Kitab Al-Masha Ir = the Book of Metaphysical Prehensions.Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Sadr al-din Shirazi, Parviz Morewedge & Henry Corbin - 1992
  9. Das Philosophische System von Schirázi.Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Sadr al-din Shirazi & M. Horten - 1913 - K. J. Trübner.
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    Kitāb al-Wāfi bi-al-WafayātKitab al-Wafi bi-al-Wafayat.Philip K. Hitti, Ṣalah-al-Dīn Khalīl ibn-Aybak al-Ṣafadi, Hellmut Ritter & Salah-al-Din Khalil ibn-Aybak al-Safadi - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):214.
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  11. Kitab Al-Masha Ir.Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Sadr al-din Shirazi, Henry Corbin & Fatin Muhammad Khalil Labun - 2000 - Mu Assasat Al-Tarikh Al- Arabi.
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  12. Le Livre de la Sagesse Orientale Kit'b Hikmat Al-Ishr'q.Yahyá ibn Habash Suhrawardi, Henry Corbin, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Sadr al-din Shirazi & Mahmud ibn Mas ud Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi - 1986
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  13. (1 other version)Le Livre des Pénétrations Métaphysiques. Kit'b Al-Mash''i.Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Sadr al-din Shirazi & Henry Corbin - 1964 - Dépt. D'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco-Iranien.
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    The amazing discoveries of Ibn Sina.Fāṭimah Sharaf al-Dīn - 2015 - Berkeley, CA: Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press. Edited by Inṭilaq Muḥammad ʻAli.
    Introduces young readers to Ibn Sina, telling his story as he might tell it himself. It provides a fascinating glimpse into the life of this philosopher, scientist and physician who was one of the greatest thinkers of his time.
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  15. From al-ghazālī to al-rāzī: 6th/12th century developments in muslim philosophical theology.Ayman Shihadeh - 2005 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 15 (1):141-179.
    According to Tāj al-Dīn al-Subkī, al-Ghazālī was the renewer of the Muslim faith at the end of the 5th / 11th century, whereas al-Rāzī was the renewer of faith at the end of the 6th / 12th century. That al-Ghazālī deserves such an honour can hardly be disputed, and his importance in the history of Islamic thought is generally recognised. However, the same cannot, as easily, be said of al-Rāzī, whose historical significance is far from being truly appreciated, and some (...)
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  16.  21
    Le livre des pénétrations métaphysiques.Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrazī & Henry Corbin - 1988 - Editions Verdier.
    Quʹest-ce que lʹêre? Cette question passe pour fonder la philosophie. Encore faut-il s'entendre sur le sens du mot "être ". L'essence des choses détermine-t-elle leur existence? Devons-nous affirmer, au contraire, que l'existence conditionne l'intensité d'être qui qualifie une certaine réalité? Molla Sadr Shirazi, dans ce traité écrit en Iran au siècle de Descartes et de Leibniz, médite ces questions qui sont encore les nôtres. Mais les solutions qu'il propose s'évadent hors de nos perspectives, après avoir opéré une révolution décisive dans (...)
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  17.  20
    Risālah-ʼi sih aṣl.Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī & Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1998
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    Spiritual psychology: the fourth intellectual journey in transcendent philosophy: volumes VIII and IX of the Asfar.Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī & Latimah-Parvin Peerwani - 2008 - London: ICAS. Edited by Latimah-Parvin Peerwani.
    The central issue in this work is self-knowledge. The human soul is created in the Image of God with a purpose.
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    Opera metaphysica et mystica.Yaḥyā ibn Ḥabaš Šihāb al-Dīn al- Suhrawardī - 1945 - İstanbul,: Maarif Matbaası. Edited by Corbin, Henry & [From Old Catalog].
  20. Symbolisme et herméneutique dans la pensée d'Ibn ʻArabī. ʻAlāʼ & Bakrī al-Dīn (eds.) - 2007 - Damas: Institut français du Proche-Orient.
  21.  25
    Ibn al-Fahhād and the Great Conjunction of 1166 AD.S. Mohammad Mozaffari - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (5):517-549.
    Farīd al-Dīn Abu al-Ḥasan ‘Alī b. al-Fahhād’s astronomical tradition as represented in the prolegomenon to his Alā’ī zīj (1172 AD) shows his experimental examination of the theories of his predecessors and testing the circumstances of the synodic phenomena as derived from the theories developed in the classical period of medieval Middle Eastern astronomy against his own observations. This work was highly influential in late Islamic astronomy and was translated into Greek in the 1290s. He evaluated al-Battānī’s Ṣābi’ zīj (d. 929 (...)
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  22.  85
    The "Commentary" That Saved the Text. The Hazardous Journey of Ibn al-Haytham's Arabic "Optics".A. I. Sabra - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (2):117-133.
    The "Text" and the "Commentary" mentioned in the title of this essay are, respectively, the "Kitāb al-Manāẓir", or "Optics", of al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham, composed in the first half of the fifth/eleventh century, and the "Tanqīḥ al-Manāẓir li-dhawī l-abṣār wa l-baṣā'ir", written by Abū l-Ḥasan (or al-Ḥasan) Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī in the second half of the seventh/thirteenth century. It is known that, so far, only the first five of the seven "maqālāt"/Books that make up the Arabic text of IH's "Optics" have (...)
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    La Iḥāṭa después de Ibn al-Ḫatīb: Marginalia en el manuscrito de El Cairo a través del Nafḥ al-ṭīb de al-Maqqarī.Víctor de Castro-León - 2022 - Al-Qantara 43 (2):e25.
    La vida y obra del polígrafo granadino Lisān al-Dīn Ibn al-Ḫaṭīb (m. 776/1374) sigue siendo fuente de importantes estudios y traducciones habida cuenta de que su prolija producción literaria está repleta de valiosos testimonios históricos y personales que sitúan a su autor como un personaje destacado en la transmisión del conocimiento en el Mediterráneo islámico. En la difusión de su obra y prestigio jugó un papel fundamental la copia manuscrita de su obra al-Iḥāṭa fī aḫbār Ġarnāṭa que Ibn al-Ḫaṭīb envió (...)
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  24. Rasāʼil falsafīyah lī-Abī Bakr Ibn Bājjah: nuṣūṣ falsafīyah ghayr manshūrah.Jamal al-din Alawi & Avempace - 1983 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ, al-Maghrib: Dār al-Nashr al-Maghribīyah. Edited by Avempace.
  25. al-Fikr al-siyāsī wa-al-akhlāqī ʻinda al-ʻĀmirī: Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf, al-mutawaffá ʻām 381 H: dirāsat wa-taḥqīq kitāb al-Saʻādah wa-al-isʻād fī al-sīrah al-insānīyah.Ahmad Abd Al-Halim Atiyah & Abu Al-Hasan Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Amiri - 1991 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Thaqāfah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm ʻAṭīyah.
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  26. Buch der Ringsteine Alf'r'bis Neu Bearbeitet Und Mit Auszügen Aus Dem Kommentar des Emir Ismail El F'r'nî Erläutert. 1. Teil: Einleitung Und Übersetzung von Max Horten.Isma'il Ibn Al-Husayn Farabi, Max Joseph Heinrich Farani & Horten - 1904 - Aschendorff.
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    Kitāb Firaq al-Shī'ahKitab Firaq al-Shi'ah.Philip K. Hitti, Abu-Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn-Mūsa al-Nawbakhti, Hellmut Ritter & Abu-Muhammad al-Hasan ibn-Musa al-Nawbakhti - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):214.
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    Nāsir al-Dīn al-Albānī's Understanding of Ijtihad and Criticism of Sects.Hasan Küçükosman - 2025 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (2):455-492.
    After the death of the Prophet, Muslims continued to apply the rulings deduced from the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and in matters they did not know, they turned to those who were more knowledgeable than themselves. As sects spread in the following period, some people saw this situation as taqlid and ignored the existence of sects. In the discussions that have continued until today, there are those who argue that the door of ijtihad is closed, as well as those who (...)
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  29. Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rush (Averroes) on Creation and the Divine Attributes.Ali Hasan - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher, Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 141-156.
    Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) was concerned that early Islamic philosophers were leaning too heavily and uncritically on Aristotelian and Neoplatonic ideas in developing their models of God and His relation to the world. He argued that their views were not only irreligious, but philosophically problematic, and he defended an alternative view aimed at staying closer to the Qur’an and the beliefs of the ordinary Muslim. Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) responded to al-Ghazali’s critique and developed a sophisticated Aristotelian view. The present chapter explores their (...)
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    Accidents in Zaydi-Muʿtazilite Thought in the 4th/10th Century: Ibn al-Dāī and the Treatise of Ḥaqāʾiq al-Aʿr'ḍ (Analysis and Edition of the Text). [REVIEW]Yusuf Arıkaner - 2025 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (21):8-35.
    The interaction between Zaydism and Muʿtazilism, which is claimed to date back to the formation periods, took place when Zaydī scholars studied Muʿtazilite thought in Baghdad intensively and directly from the Mu'tazilite theologian Abū ʿAbd Allāh al-Baṣrī as part of the curriculum, and especially the Basra school of Muʿtazila was influential in the theological thoughts of the Zaydis of Tabaristan/Hazar. In this process, Zaydī scholars such as al-Muʾayyad bi-llāh Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn al-Hārūnī and al-Nāṭiq bi-l-Ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn (...)
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    _Hifz Al-Din (maintaining religion) and Hifz Al-Ummah (developing national integration): Resistance of Muslim youth to non-Muslim leader candidates in election_.Muhammad Syukri Albani Nasution, Syafruddin Syam, Hasan Matsum, Putra Apriadi Siregar & Wulan Dayu - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    Resistance towards non-Muslim leaders emerged when the case of blasphemy against Islam was brought against Basuki Tjahya Purnama, known as Ahok, as the governor of DKI Jakarta at that time (DKI Jakarta is mostly inhabited by Muslims). The case of blasphemy committed by Ahok has triggered the resistance of Muslims towards non-Muslim candidates for the regional leader election. This study uses a cross-sectional design conducted by interviewing 1121 Muslim youths who participated in regional head elections in North Sumatra. Multivariate analysis (...)
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  32.  11
    Baṣran Muʿtazilite Theology: Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad b. Khallād’s Kitāb al-uṣūl and its reception. A Critical Edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l- ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. Hārūn al-Buṭḥānī (d. 424/1033), Leiden: Brill, 2010. [REVIEW]Halil İbrahim Delen - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (20):123-127.
    The book under study is "Kitāb al-Uṣūl" and its commentary "Sharḥ al-Uṣūl" written by Ibn Ḥallād al-Basrī, one of Abū Ḥāshim al-Jubbāʾī's leading students. This work is the result of the Mu'tazilite Manuscripts Project conducted by Sabine Schmidtke and D. E. Sklare, and has been published in an edited edition by Camilla Adang, Wilferd Madelung, and Sabine Schmidtke. The study, entitled "-A Critical Edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l-ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. (...)
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  33.  39
    Al-Iklīl (al-juz' al-thāmin)Historia de los amores de Bayāḍ y Riyāḍ. Una chantefable oriental en estilo persa (Vat. Ar. 368)Al-Iklil (al-juz' al-thamin)Historia de los amores de Bayad y Riyad. Una chantefable oriental en estilo persa. [REVIEW]G. Levi Della Vida, Al-Ḥasan ibn-Aḥmad al-Hamdānī, Nabih Amin Faris, A. R. Nykl & Al-Hasan ibn-Ahmad al-Hamdani - 1941 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 61 (4):303.
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    Al-Ḥusayn ibn Manṣūr al-Ḥallāǧ: Vom Missgeschick des "einfachen" Ṣūfī zum Mythos vom Märtyrer Al-ḤallāǧAl-Husayn ibn Mansur al-Hallag: Vom Missgeschick des "einfachen" Sufi zum Mythos vom Martyrer Al-Hallag.Gerhard Böwering, Naṣer Mūsā Daḥdal, Gerhard Bowering & Naser Musa Dahdal - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):196.
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  35. Bulghat al-ghawwāṣ fī al-akwān ilá maʻdin al-ikhlāṣ fī maʻrifat al-insān.Ibn al-ʻArabī - 2023 - [Cairo]: Muʼassasat Ibn al-ʻArabī lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Ayman Ḥamdī Akbarī & ʻAlī Jumʻah.
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    Kitāb al-mu ʿtamad fī uṣūl al-dīnKitab al-mu tamad fi usul al-din.James A. Bellamy, al-Qāḍī Abū Yaʿlā ibn al-Farrā, Ben Zion Wacholder & al-Qadi Abu Yala ibn al-Farra - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):484.
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    Emancipative Islamic theology and Hifz Al-Din: Muslim youth resistance against shamanism.Hasnah Nasution, Muhammad S. A. Nasution, Wulan Dayu, Hasan Matsum, Ahmad Tamami & Imam E. Islamy - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    The resistance of Muslims to shamanism began when lies of the shamans were exposed on social media. Many shamans practise fraud under the guise of religion. Magical objects such as luminous daggers or stones that emit smoke, used by shamans as occult actors are also known to be objects of magic tricks that are sold freely and can be used by anyone. Scholars also continuously preach that Muslims’ belief in shamans is forbidden. Therefore, Muslims in Indonesia fear that believing in (...)
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    Some Hadiths Subjected to Discussion by Supporters of Bishr al-Marīsī Due to Having an Anthropormorphist and Corporealist Content.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):163-188.
    Hadiths that have been discussed in this paper consist of narrations regarding divine attributes and having some problematic meanings between supporters of Bişr al-Marīsī and ʿUthmān al-Dārimī. These narrations were mostly accepted denounced (munkar) by Bişr al-Marīsī and his sopporters due to having an anthropormophist and corporealist content about God. They rejected divine attributes according to their understanding of God based on incomparability (tanzīh) which provided by Mutazilite approach towards divine attributes even though they conveyed some features of Ahl al-Ra’y. (...)
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    Reconstructing the Autograph Corpus of Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad Ibn Ṭūlūn.Kristina Richardson - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2):319.
    The autograph corpus of the Damascene scholar Ibn Ṭūlūn is dispersed throughout collections in North America, Europe, and West Asia. As an initial probe into these materials, I will describe, identify, and analyze two compendia in the Princeton University collection: Garrett MSS 196B and 1011H. They contain, among other things, a portion of al-Thaghr al-bassām, an autograph draft of his biographical dictionary of Damascene judges, which is later than the one edited and published in 1959, and a heretofore missing portion (...)
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    Enverî Erzincānī and Mawlūd al-Sharīf.Seydi Ki̇raz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):461-495.
    Many mawlids (mawlid al-nabī) have been written as a reflection of the love for the prophet Muhammad. Süleymān Çelebi’s (d. 825/1422) Wasila al-nacāt, has been seen as the founding work in Turkish literature in this category. The effect of Wasila al-nacāt has continued for centuries, and inspired many other mawlids. One of them is Enverī Erzincānī’s work named Mawlūd al-sharīf (Sumbul al-gulzār al-kalām al-kadīm). In literature tradition, mawlids are written in masnawī in ​​verse form, Mawlūd al-sharīf was written in style. (...)
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    The Development Process of Mahdi Belief in Shī‘a/Imāmiyya and Its Relationship with Mahdiship Understanding of Ahl al-Sunnah.Hasan Gümüşoğlu - 2022 - Kader 20 (2):701-722.
    Although there are fundamental differences between Ahl al-Sunnah and Shī‘a on the issue of Mahdī, one of the controversial issues among Islamic sects, Shī‘a has attached much greater importance to the issue. In this study, after the information about Mahdiship in the primary sources of Islam is conveyed, the opinions of the Ahl al-Sunnah and Shī‘a will be given and an evaluation will be made about the evidence and opinions put forward by the two sects. The Shiites, who formed the (...)
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    İki H'şiyenin Serencamı -Hay'lî ve İbn Ebî Şerîf’in Şerhu’l-Akāid H'şiyeleri-.Hasan Sefa Turan - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):666-679.
    Kelâm’ın şerh ve hâşiye döneminin önde gelen metinlerinden biri Teftâzânî’nin Şerhu’l-Akāid adlı şerhidir. Nitekim üzerine İslâm dünyasının muhtelif bölgelerindeki âlimler tarafından birçok hâşiye çalışması yapılmıştır. Bunlar arasında öne çıkan en meşhur metinlerden birisi Hayâlî’nin yazmış olduğu Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Akāidi’n-Nesefiyye adlı eserdir. Nitekim Hayâlî’nin bu hâşiyesi, Şerhu’l-Akāid üzerine yazılan hâşiyeler arasında üzerine en fazla hâşiye yazılan eserdir. Kâtib Çelebi, Leknevî ve Taşköprülüzâde gibi âlimler Hayâlî hâşiyesi hakkında övücü ifadeler kullanmıştır. Ayrıca Hayâlî’nin bu hâşiyesi Osmanlı kelâm kitapları hiyerarşisinde Şerhu’l-Akāid’den daha üst bir (...)
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  43. Ibn Sīnā wa-al-nafs al-insānīyah.Muhammad Khayr Hasan Irqsusi & Hasan Mulla Uthman - 1982 - Bayrūt: Muʼassasat al-Risālah. Edited by Ḥasan Mullā ʻUthmān.
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    al-Ḥikmah al-ishrāqīyah: majmūʻah-i muṣannafāt-i Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyá al-Suhrawardī = Hikmat al-Ishrāqiyah: the collected works of Shihāb al-Din Yahyā Suhrawardī.Yaḥyá ibn Ḥabash Suhrawardī - 2012 - Tihrān: Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm-i Insānī va Muṭālaʻāt-i Farhangī. Edited by Muḥammad Malikī.
    al-Qism al-awwal. Fī ḍawābiṭ al-fikr (manṭiq) --.
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    Risālat ithbāt al-ʻaql al-mujarrad.Aḥad Farāmarz Qarāmalikī, Ṭayyibah ʻĀrifʹniyā & Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsī (eds.) - 2014 - Tihrān: Markaz-i Pizhuhishī-i Mīrās̲-i Maktūb.
    Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1201-127 ; Risālah-i is̲bāt al-ʻaql - Criticism and interpretation.
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    A Glimpse at the Culture of Qajar Era-Public Attraction to Gambling in Qajar Era.Hasan Ziari & Mohsen Mohammadi Fesharaki - 2013 - Asian Culture and History 5 (1):p66.
    Games are among cultural manifestations of human communities which have continued to exist since the ancient times and developed during peaceful times; in the Qajar era, during the reign of Nasser-al-Din Shah, because relative peace and prosperity was brought about, the people, especially courtiers, showed great interest in games and spent some of their daily life on it. In this article we have attempted to present some of the angles and dimensions of a number of these games using the itineraries (...)
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  47. Kötülük problemi bir sözde problem midir?Hasan G. Bahçekapili - manuscript
    Bu çalışma, geleneksel din felsefesindeki kötülük probleminin gerçek değil sözde bir problem olduğunu, dolayısıyla çözümlemeye çalışmak yerine tasfiye edilmesi gerektiğini öne süren bazı yeni tarihli iddiaları değerlendirmektedir. Öncelikle ele alınan konu sözde problem dendiğinde ne kastedildiğidir. Bir problemin iki tarafının karşılıklı olarak aynı yanlış varsayımı yaptığı durumlar literatürde sözde problem olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Makalede bu anlamda sözde problemin türleri ve ölçütleri belirlenmektedir. Arkasından geleneksel kötülük problemini oluşturan argüman ortaya koyulmakta ve problem için getirilen çözüm önerileri tanıtılmaktadır. Makalenin son bölümünde, önceki bölümlerde (...)
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    Scholarship and Social Life of Women in the Period of Mamlūks: With Special Attention to Najm al-Dīn Ibn Fahd’s Teachers.Saim Yilmaz & Mehmet Fatih Yalçin - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):455-476.
    During the Mamlūk period (648-923/1250-1517), some developments such as the support of the state dignitaries for scholarly activities, the interest of the ʿulamā to the Mamlūk geography and the establishment of many scientific institutions increased the interest in scholarly activities in society. In this period of intensive scholarly activities, women also started to increasingly take part in this field, and as a result, many female scholars were trained. The fact that women scholars were encountered among the teachers of the famous (...)
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  49.  2
    Uncertainty in the philosophy of Ibn ‘arabī and Nūr al-Dīn al-Jāmī.Ismail Lala - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-17.
    The renowned mystical thinker Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ‘Arabī (d. 638/1240) believes uncertainty (ḥayra) has a higher epistemological value than certainty. This is because certainty is only of ostensible reality, which ignores the true ontological underpinnings of phenomenality. To become cognisant of the reality that palpitates beneath the facade of the sensible world, we only have recourse to uncertainty. Uncertainty makes us realise that all existents are loci of divine manifestation. Nevertheless, God is simultaneously transcendent and immanent, which means we can (...)
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  50.  14
    Min al-turāth al-Islāmī: Sharḥ al-Qūshjī ʻalá Tajrīd al-ʻaqāʼid lil-Ṭūsī "mabḥath al-ilāhīyāt".ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad Qūshjī - 2002 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Abā Zayd & Ṣābir ʻAbduh.
    Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1201-1274's Tajrīd al-ʻaqāʼid; selections; philosophy, Islamic; early works to 1800.
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